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2011年3月30日 (水)

日本における原子力発電所建設は中止すべきである(The Building of Atomic Power Plants in Japan should be Prohibited.)



 4月の壁紙に変更・・・『メルヘンの丘(大空町) 』 ※おおぞらちょう
 網走湖が望める道の駅「メルヘンの丘めまんべつ」があります。 大空町内で飼育されている「さくら201」という豚で作る「サクラ豚丼」が名物ですが、最近ではご当地メニュー「大空豚しやぶ長いも丼」が登場し、にぎわっています。
 撮影は、北海道の写真家 青木功さんです。


 「格安魚商 丸鮮千代水産」より、久しぶりに楽天メール。「生ラム肉」の販売・・・美味しそうだね。カルニチンも豊富だし!♪



 30年以上前の雑誌だが、『English today』1979年2月号に「日本における原子力発電所の建設は禁止されるべきであるThe Building of Atomic Power Plants in Japan should be Prohibited.)」というDebating Contestの記事が載っていた。
Sophia E.S.S. as Affirmative 加藤葉子 秋場俊治
Waseda E.S.S. as Negative 松岡俊夫 長島 真


 それでは当時の「The First Affirmative Constructive Speech」を引用します。
  We should make the best use of our limited money and technology for the better source of electricity.  Based on this idea, we of the Sophia Affirmative would like to establish a comparative advantages case.
  First of all, let me define some important terms.  "Building" means plans for construction.  "Atomic Power Plants or APPs" meand any kind of fissionable reactors including fast breeder reactors which are going to be built.  Moreover, we include nuclear fuel sycle, namely enrichment plants and reprocessing plants in the category of APPs.  However, as for the APPs under construction, we allow them to continue building.  "Prohibit" means to stop planning.

  Now, our plans are as follows:
Plan 1: Japanese Government will stop economic assistance to private electric companies and researching bureaus so that it will become impossible to develop new types of reactors, for example, fast breeder reactors and nuclear fuel cycle.
Plan 2: Japanese Government will issue an ordinace to prohibit the further planning of the construction of conventional type of reactors, namely light water reactors.
Plan 3: Japanese Government will give economic assistance to the development of geothermal power plants or GPPs.
Plan 4: Japanese Government will set a new target of her energy policy.
  Further explanation of our plan will be done by the 2nd Affirmative speaker.

  I will move on to the major contentions.
Point 1: Analysis of the status quo.
Sub-point A: Government's policy
日本における原子力発電所建設は中止すべきである(The Building of Atomic Power Plants in Japan should be Prohibited.)

  First, please look at this chart.  This chart shows you the contents of the budget concerning her energy policy.
  As you see clearly, the government puts priority on the development of APPs.  However, please note that the government gives little assistance to the development of so called "New Energy" including geothermal energy.
Sub-point B: The attitude of private electric companies toward geothermal energy.
  They are not promoting geothermal power plants so much under the status quo, because of the risks involved in the development.  According to 『the Outline of the development of electricity sources 1977』 published by the Resource and Energy Agency in MITI, (quote) "Under the status quo, it is difficult to grasp the amount of reservoirs available for geothermal power generation.  Therefore the risk involved in the development is big.  Government's economic assistance is necessary in order to grasp the exact amount of reservoirs and to reduce the risks of development for private electric companies." (unqyote)  Thus, they need government's assistance.  However, this evidence does not say that the reservoirs are strictly limited in Japan.  Please don't misunderstand this point.

Point 2: Comparison between GPPs and APPs.
  Here, we will prove the GPPs are superior to APPs.
Sub-point A: Domestic source of energy.
  According to 『World Weekly』June 6th, 1978 written by Yoshio Tadenuma, a member of the Council of Industry and Technology Board, (quote) "Geologically speaking, Japan is a new archipelago and has deep dislocations underneath.  We can say that Japan is blessed with the source of geothermal energy, that is the pools of maguma in shallow places.  According to the government's investigation carried out in conjunction with the Sunshine Project, it is possible to construct 30 geothermal plants whose total capacity is 18 million kilowatts.  If we apply this result to all the available places in Japan, we can get 130 million kilowatts of generating capacity.  Moreover geothermal energy is the domestic source of energy and it is also a promising stable source whose merit is a cheap generating cost. (unquote)  In this way, we conclude that geothermal energy is a vast domestic source of energy. 《unqyote》
  On the other hand, we have a quotation which says that uranium will run out in 10 years.  So we can say that GPPs is [are] better than APPs.
Sub-point B: Safety of GPPS.
Small 1: Management of waste.
日本における原子力発電所建設は中止すべきである(The Building of Atomic Power Plants in Japan should be Prohibited.)

  Please look at this chart.  This chart shows you the system of GPPs.
  Geothermal water is pumped through a heat-exchange system-bottom-where the absorbent takes up the heat.  The absorbent next goes to the condensers-ah, sorry, the absorbent evaporates and drives the system of generator.  Absorbent next goes to the sondensers, where it is condensed into liquid again by water from the cooling tower and returened to heat exhanger for a new cycle.  Incidently, used geothermal water is returened to the well.  As you see, GPPs do not produce any waste which needs management.  On the other hand, APPs produce much nuclear waste which needs careful management.  According to 『Saturday Review』June 24th, 1978 written by Susan Schiefelbein, (quote) "According to Gofman, one of the most authoritative nuclear physist, the radioactive wastes produced by power plants must be stored for some 500 to 250,000 years.  If just one thousandth of the radiation is lost in storage-that is, if storage is 99.9 percents perfect-then in time, some 190,00 cancer fatalities will be added to the national death tolles each year." (unquote)
Small 2: GPPs do not produce radioactivity.
  According to『Scientific American』Januray issue, 1972 written by Joseph Barnea, Director of the Research and Transpot Division of the United Nations, (quote) "Unlike fossil or fissionable fuels, geothermal power does not pollute the biosphere with combustion products or radiation." (unquote) On the other hand, as all of you know very well, APPs produce radioactivity.
Sub-point C: GPPs are more economical.
According to 『Energy for Tomorrow』1978, Science Section of Asahi Newspaper, written by Shinichi Takebe, (quote) "Since we don't have to pay the cost of fuel, original cost of generation is cheap enough to compete with other thermal plants.  Moreover, there is a probability that the cost will be cheaper in future.  In additon to that, contrary to thermal plants and APPs, even a small scaled geothermal power plants and APPs can operate without cost overruns.  We can secure the stable operation with the capacity factor 90%." (unquote)  On the other hand, the capacity factor of APPs easily goes down below 80% and the low capacity factor causes capital overruns.  According to 『Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists』November issue, 1974, written by David D. Comey, Head of the Research Section of the Environment at Businessman and Professional People for the Public Interests. (quote) "If these plants operate at an average capacity factor of only 54 percent as compared with the originally expected 80 percent then a condiderable percentage of their capital costs will have been expanded for capacity that will, on the average, produce no electricity.  Thus those dollars will have been wasted." (unquote)

  For all these reasons, we of the Affirmative strongly believes that APPs is superior-oh, sorry, GPPs are superior to APPs.  Therefore we strongly propose that we should put more priority on APPs [GPPs].  It is not clever way to promote APPs furthermore.  I thank you very much.



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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 日本における原子力発電所建設は中止すべきである(The Building of Atomic Power Plants in Japan should be Prohibited.):

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